+62 21 50914756
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Overview and Curriculum

OTSIT Group Curriculum Model will be made available to school districts, adult education facilities, students and teachers.

With an emphasis on students’ relationship with the environment and the communities we live in, OTSIT Group aims to increase environmental awareness into education in local community schools in Indonesia, around the topics of major importance for generations to come, all with the aim of re-shaping the future.

Emotional Intelligence and Education

The program is built by our experienced educational specialists in a format that can easily be implemented by teachers, as a highly effective extension to the current Indonesian educational system. Each specialised teacher guide is intended to prepare students as well as teachers in these content areas.

This nation-leading conscious initiative will mainly educate our next generations in environmental preservation and protection and will help catapult the growing green economy, all with the aim of improving standards for individuals, families and communities to come.